Immerse yourself into the realm of magic and sound

Ancestral Sound Journey

Close your eyes and feel the remembrance of the nature that flows through us all. Awaken the senses to your true being and remember that of which you are a part.

Through the tools of looping, flutes, shakers, crystal bowls, chimes, and voice, Lester Seal uses the power of sound to take you on a journey to another realm and into different brainwave states.


Plant Medicine Sound Ceremony

Experience the spirit of sound and nature while combining the synergy of an Ancestral Sound Journey and Plant Medicine in a ceremonial setting. As you pass into other states of existence the sound and echoes of nature will be there to support you in your journey.

Shamanic Theta Drum Journey

Through the tools of sound and frame drum Lester Seal uses shamanic rhythms to lead you into the Theta brainwave state and deep into a shamanic meditation.

Group Vocal Mandalas

The coming together of many voices as one is a magical thing, and with Group Vocal Mandalas, Lester guides groups in using their voices and bodies as instruments to weave beautiful sonic tapestries. The process of creating these Mandalas of Sound helps not only to create a deeper connection within yourself but also to connect deeper with others and see the power and beauty that we can create together.

Ancestral Sound Journey

Plant Medicine Sound Ceremony

Shamanic Theta Drum Journey

Group Vocal Mandalas


Let Lester Seal cultivate an experience for your retreat or event!

red rocks shot on drone